1. Download "standalone stitcher.zip" 2. Unzip the archive a. You should see a folder holding the curated version of the stitcher database b. A docker-compose.yml file to start the neo4j browser with the stitcher database 3. Start the docker container a. Type "docker compose up" at the terminal from within this new folder 4. Navigate your browser to http://localhost:7474/browser/ 5. Query the database a. Example: match (s:S_STITCH_V1)-[:STITCH]->(d)-[:PAYLOAD]->(e) where ID(s)=923204 return s, d, e b. This gets the stitches associated with the acetaminophen entity, as seen in this page on the stitcher app https://stitcher.ncats.io/app/stitches/v1/923204